We hear a lot about abuse these days. With hard times and difficult challenges come new forms of abuse to fulfill the agenda of those who act like they are in charge. Just a few weeks ago I heard the suggestion that [certain] people should be cut off from grocery stores and banks [1] justContinue reading ““Abuse””
Monthly Archives: August 2021
Ac*count*abil*i*ty: the fact of being responsible for what you do and able to give a satisfactory reason for it…[1] especially: an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one’s actions. [2] Throughout life we are called to account for our decisions and our actions. Maybe while growing up we were asked,Continue reading ““Accountability””
“The Only JAB that Counts”
What is your perspective? While much attention is focused in the “here and now” regarding the vaccine (a.k.a. The JAB), most people fail to consider the perspective that beyond life comes death (duh). The Bible speaks of truth when it addresses matters of life and death – much of today’s narratives avoid the truthContinue reading ““The Only JAB that Counts””